molhash application¶
The command-line application molhash can be used to generate one of a number of molecular hashes.
molhash [options] <infile> [<outfile>]
molhash [options] - [<outfile>]
- read from standard input
For example:
$ echo "c1ccccc1C(=O)Cl" | molhash -mf -
C7H5ClO c1ccc(cc1)C(=O)Cl
-a | Process all the molecule (and not just the single largest component) |
-sa | Suppress atom stereo |
-sb | Suppress bond stereo |
-sh | Suppress explicit hydrogens |
-si | Suppress isotopes |
-sm | Suppress atom maps |
-t | Store titles only |
Hash Types
-g | anonymous graph [default] |
-e | element graph |
-s | canonical smiles |
-m | Murcko scaffold |
-mf | molecular formula |
-me | mesomer |
-ht | hetatom tautomer |
-hp | hetatom protomer |
-rp | redox-pair |
-ri | regioisomer |